Margin Notes
These blog posts search ordinary moments in my life. That's where magic hides. Always.
I'm hardly a geographical expert. Far from it. In fact, I have a spatial dyslexia that often leads me astray. Left? Right? Both look the same to me. So I've developed a sensory view of places, a directional rhythm. Consequently, I find an ebb and flow in every place I've lived. Each town has a…

Purple, Overnight
When you get to be my age, you think you know a lot. Still, sometimes you get it wrong. You simply couldn't see it coming. Literally. Since August we've lived next door to Rob and Beth, straight off the Hallmark rack of ideal neighbors--friendly, helpful, considerate. When you live side-by-side with people, you notice their…
Guest Blogger: Kathryn Atwood
[From 1976-1983, I taught English and directed plays at Holland Hall Upper School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was twenty-four and had negligible experience. I didn't know up from down about teaching, but during those years, a handful of students changed me irrevocably. Over three decades, one way or the other, they've found me. I recently…
Guest Blogger: Alex Eaton
[From 1976-1983, I taught English and directed plays at Holland Hall Upper School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was twenty-four and had negligible experience. I didn't know up from down about teaching, but during those years, a handful of students changed me irrevocably. Over three decades, one way or the other, they've found me. I recently…
Guest Blogger: Janet Rorschach
[From 1976-1983, I taught English and directed plays at Holland Hall Upper School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was twenty-four and had negligible experience. I didn't know up from down about teaching, but during those years, a handful of students changed me irrevocably. Over three decades, one way or the other, they've found me. I recently…
Guest Blogger: Bill Webb
[From 1976-1983, I taught English and directed plays at Holland Hall Upper School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was twenty-four and had negligible experience. I didn't know up from down about teaching, but during those years, a handful of students changed me irrevocably. Over three decades, one way or the other, they've found me. I recently…
Guest Blogger: Todd Singer
[From 1976-1983, I taught English and directed plays at Holland Hall Upper School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was twenty-four and had negligible experience. I didn't know up from down about teaching, but during those years, a handful of students changed me irrevocably. Over three decades, one way or the other, they've found me. I recently…
Guest Blogger: Elspeth Bloodgood
[From 1976-1983, I taught English and directed plays at Holland Hall Upper School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was twenty-four and had negligible experience. I didn't know up from down about teaching, but during those years, a handful of students changed me irrevocably. Over three decades, one way or the other, they've found me. I recently…
Guest Blogger: Charlie Morrow
[From 1976-1983, I taught English and directed plays at Holland Hall Upper School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was twenty-four and had negligible experience. I didn't know up from down about teaching, but during those years, a handful of students changed me irrevocably. Over three decades, one way or the other, they've found me. I recently…
Guest Blogger: Shelli O'Steen
[From 1976-1983, I taught English and directed plays at Holland Hall Upper School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was twenty-four and had negligible experience. I didn't know up from down about teaching, but during those years, a handful of students changed me irrevocably. Over three decades, one way or the other, they've found me. I recently…
About That Owl
The story about that owl from my previous post didn't stop with his attic escape. But for weeks I wish it had. I got overly attached, which is what I do. He returned regularly for a while. I liked his scratching outside the window. I appreciated his evening hoots. I marveled at his enormous wingspan…

Ohio Christmas Letter 2015: Settling In
People told us we'd be bored when we moved from Minnesota's Twin Cities to Milan, Ohio, a village in northern nowhere. Small and quiet. Nothing to do. No place to go. Neighbors greeted us with cookies, a calendar, tomatoes, strawberry jam, flowers--all local and lovely and tied with ribbon. We've moved seven times and never…
About Motherhood
Because I began motherhood late in life, a woman asked me why I bothered at my age. She said my world was predictably arranged. "Why invite chaos?" she scoffed. I cobbled together an explanation that probably didn't sound any more convincing than a beauty pageant contestant outlining how she'd achieve world peace. This November, the…

The Unlikely Truth
Whenever I was ready to give up on something, my mother always said, "Where there's a will, there's a way." I believed her. It took years to understand she didn't mean it would happen instantly. I've spent a lifetime discovering how much I had to learn, how often I had to fail, and how much…
Maggie Graduates and Then Some
My daughter amazes me. Of course, I'm not the first mother to say that. Even my own mother thought so when she said, "Karen, I always knew you were an exceptional child, but you weren't nearly as outstanding as Maggie." I didn't take offense. I understood what she meant. Near the end of Maggie's senior…
Sudden Angels Part 6: Two Butterflies
Last Sunday I ripped my closet to pieces, looking for a scarf. I was getting ready for a farewell lunch with my friend Nancy and was determined to wear the gift she gave me at Christmas. I had finally bought a colorful blouse to match it because I haven't worn anything but black and white…

I don't know how many times I walked by without seeing it. An evening stroll in St. Paul with our dog Maria finally got my attention. She darted left, yanking me toward the wrought iron fence. I thought she'd spotted a scurrying chipmunk. Now I'm not so sure what quick creature charmed her. When I…
Sudden Angels Part 5: Nan
This is how I first saw Nan--bent over and busy. I only knew her as the blonde head among blossoms, clipping and trimming, garden debris flying behind her. For three years, I walked our dog Maria in silence past her house. So I was startled one morning when she emerged from her garage as I…
Something about Elephants
When it comes to elephants, children aren't afraid. Although huge, they seem approachable. Maybe it's because they don't have claws or fangs or scales. Maybe it's because that curling trunk and tail are odd but happy features. And who doesn't want to whisper into those enormous ears? A secret could be lost in there forever.…
The Truest Clock
My husband Cliff has been retired for almost a year now. He served forty-one years in elementary education at public and private schools. During that time, he taught everything from pre-school through sixth grade and spent half his career as a principal. Never once was he wrong about anything in a school. Ever. Cliff had…