Margin Notes
These blog posts search ordinary moments in my life. That's where magic hides. Always.

Sudden Angels Part 8: Laurel
Angels were the stuff of fairy tales to me. Like unicorns, they seemed too good to be true.
Until I changed my mind.

Magic, Pure and Simple
This is about magic.
Not extravaganzas with whirling wand and prancing performer shouting “Presto Change-O!”
Something else entirely.

Done and Dusted
Although it’s taken a long time, I have another picture book coming out in 2022. No one wants to read about potato chips being bagged or cement being poured. If you aren’t interested in process, stop reading here.

Mothers, Daughters, Diamonds
My memories begin as quilt squares, repeatedly arranged until their pattern reveals why certain ones never fade.
My mother Betty and her sister Winifred (Freddie, a stunning beauty swarmed by boys, except for my father Bill who loved Betty), were raised on a farm with no electricity or plumbing. They were complete opposites…

Holidays are a snap for me.
Over the decades, I’ve collected the requisite ceramic rabbits, felt pumpkins, assorted candles, patriotic bunting, gleaming angels, and frosted froufrou. Seasonal recipes are tried and true. Wrapping paper and coordinating ribbons are easily reachable. Grocery lists, methodically assembled, remind me which stores carry certain items.
I meet the deadlines.
Everyone is delighted.
But New Year’s Eve is a personal killer.

Merry, Merry, Merry 2021
Granted, 2021 presented enough issues to set my hair on fire (daily and sometimes hourly) but no reason to cover that here. For us, the year has been grand, although we couldn’t always see it at first. In fact, American Greetings designed the perfect card—for The Clarks at least.

What Remains
We spend our lives defining ourselves, stamping labels, like t-shirt slogans, across our chests. But the why or how of us is often invisible. It resides inside, inspired from accumulated moments and memories. And objects…

So Many Mistakes
Mistakes come in all shapes and sizes. I’m on a first name basis with most of them. Early on, I got acquainted with some I couldn’t shake. Perfectionism and Persistence caused considerable trouble, a continuing, lifelong theme.

Follow My New Blog
Introducing the newly redesigned karenhenryclark.com! This exciting transition comes with a little homework…

Sidewalk Skirmish
When ODOT arrived to commandeer our sidewalk for a handicapped accessibility upgrade, I could have said, "Yes." They'd jackhammer our 19th century sandstone slabs and haul the pieces away. New cement would fill the expanse. But I refused. And I refused up the chain of command, finally telling the head engineer that this 1859 house…

Without knowing why, I started building paths in the yard. We've been on this property for six years, digging, clearing, planting. This spring, among the flowers, I saw path possibilities. Tiny ones. Path length doesn't matter. It's a way in and a way out, leading to a place ahead. And to a place inside yourself.…

Lilac Love
Spring failed me for a long time this year. Snow fell far too long. Ground remained frozen. Cold killed a row of daffodils. Pounding weeks of rain delayed the landscaping project. My anticipation for spring's glorious colors, buried itself beneath the mulch. And it's just as well because life turned hectic. Editorial deadlines swamped me.…

Maze Blindness
I quickly lose interest in puzzles, especially mazes on paper. I get upset at all the choices. Stressed. Flummoxed. Discombobulated. Then I start drawing my way through, crashing blindly into one wrong turn after another. I think I see the way, only to discover I don't. I want off the page. My daughter Maggie approaches…

Have you ever wanted to give up? I mean surrender, with white flag waving, after trying your best and getting nowhere? Smashing into that brick wall and discovering it hasn't shifted a single inch? Plotting and planning a course forward and ending up farther behind? I have. After 3 months of revising a manuscript, I…

Pantry Treasures
We finally moved into a house with a walk-in pantry. Cliff discovered this 1859 historical treasure had a flour bin, not that we planned on hitching up the wagon to fetch 100-pound sacks of the stuff. Just interesting. Our moves always involve a scramble of opening boxes, sometimes accurately labeled. Filling kitchen cabinetry was easy,…

A Very Covid Christmas
When I assembled the lighted village for 2020, it was the same but different. No carolers, shoppers, Goodwill band, children building snowmen, or Santa. Even the man waiting on the park bench was absent. All were inside, sheltering in place, hoping to survive the pandemic. Like the three of us. Maggie was sent home in…

We all respond to certain sounds. Down the street from us, the village fire station blasts a siren for emergencies. Like it or not, we hear it loud and clear, as volunteers race to their post. Hardly front-line responders ourselves, our hearts beat with concern, nevertheless. Our neighbors Rob and Beth also stand ready, listening.…

Bucket List
I never knew about bucket lists until a movie came out with that title. Whenever people talk about their lists, traveling is usually involved. Exotic. Adventurous. I thought about that. I've been on a Mexican bus stopped at midnight by armed outlaws in the jungle. When they boarded, passengers shouted "Dos Gringos!" and pointed to…

Three Good Things
Some people blow out candles and wish. Some people close their eyes and pray. Some people cross their fingers and hope. I watch everywhere, all the time, for three things. They rise up before me--these tiny miracles--tucked into ordinary settings. Had I been looking the other way, I would have missed them. But I wasn't.…